
News Articles relevant to trade services

Contractual Risks in Construction Subcontracts – the 10 Red Flags
Gone are the days when a Subcontractor can simply put its contract in a drawer and rely on its good relationship with a main contractor or developer to ensure that a project runs smoothly, and it gets paid at the end. 
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Retentions Must Be Returned - The High Court Confirms
Retentions under a subcontract are held on trust by the head contractor for the benefit of the subcontractor. If retentions are withheld, contingent on anything other than the subcontractor’s performance, they must be released immediately, as this is considered void and unenforceable.
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Duty to Warn: When is a contractor is responsible for design choices made by an owner?
A duty to warn is when a party may be held liable for damage or loss caused to another where the party had an opportunity to warn the other of the issues and failed to do so.
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Free Resources : Factsheets

We've put together a range of free resources to support trades businesses to navigate the legal landscape, that you can access using the links below.

We also have a wealth of additional fact sheets that are relevant to trades businesses, that are available in our Tradie Law portal (free to access). To access these, all you have to do is register using the button below and we'll get you set up with unlimited access to our resources. We regularly release new Fact Sheets to the portal first, so register today to not miss out!

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